Organize your visit yourself

 Teacher-led visit

The Botanic Garden is freely accessible for class groups.  However, we ask you to make a reservation in advance to avoid overcrowding on busy days.  

GPS geography quest (NEW!)

Do you want to work with your students on geography skills (1st grade) in an adventurous way? Then our GPS geography quest is the ideal choice.  The students search in groups, using GPS coordinates, for locations where they will find different assignments. By completing the assignments, they decipher the code and find "the treasure. 

The following topics are covered: biomes, soil type, map reading, wind directions, traffic arteries, scale calculations, plant growth and climate change. 

Reservation is required, do this at least 4 weeks in advance.

Per group of about 20 students you pay €20 for this quest. 

Students use their own cell phones. One cell phone with good internet connection per 4 to 5 students is sufficient.   


Borrowing material cases: habitat study

In our material kits, you will find instruments to measure temperature, soil, humidity and light intensity. The pH test kit allows students to determine the acidity of soil or water. In addition, each case contains several search cards to identify and name plants and animals. There are plenty of habitats to study: in Wild Meise, the natural part of the Botanical Garden, you'll find wet and dry grassland, marsh, forest, streams and ponds, among other things.

Want to borrow the equipment cases? Reserve them at least three weeks in advance, along with the reservation of your visit.

One case can accommodate five students. You pay €10 for the suitcase rental; admission to the Botanical Garden is free for students and supervisors.

Tip: you can also opt for a workshop ‘Habitat study'. More info can be found on this page

Make your reservation here.