Learning by doing - secondary education

Choose from 5 different interactive workshops for secondary education. The offer fits perfectly with the lessons in biology or geography. Of course with a focus on the plant world! Under the guidance of an animator, the students will actively work on assignments around the chosen theme for 2 hours.

A workshop lasts 2 hours and costs € 105 for a group of max. 20 students.

We are happy to help you with any questions:


+ 32 2 260 09 70

Habitat Study

The students of the 2nd degree do an in-depth study of the biotope along the source stream 'de Machoechel', which originates in the Botanic Garden. They investigate abiotic and biotic factors along a transect. 

For whom? 2nd degree SE

Educational Nature Management

A half day's work in and for nature with your class? You can contact us for this. The students receive a short theoretical explanation about the how and why of nature management. After that they will start working themselves. They remove invasive plants and create wooded banks. This activity is free!

For whom: all students SE

Experience the biomes

This workshop fits seamlessly with the curriculum of the geography lessons on plant growth and climate. In the greenhouses the students literally go on a walk through the desert, the savannah and the tropical rainforest. Active methods encourage students to investigate and present their findings to each other. 

For whom? 2nd grade SE

Class looking for a gardener

During this workshop the students get to know the profession of gardener. Through hands-on activities they experience what the job is all about. They work in the outdoor collection, sow or cut their own plant and take a look behind the scenes of the Botanic Garden, in the greenhouses and collection greenhouses. 

For whom? 1st grade SE

Plants in our life

Plants are popping up everywhere in our lives. They provide us with food and fuel, essential substances for cosmetics and medicines, fibres for clothing, etc. How can we deal with this plant richness in a sustainable way? Why do we wear almost exclusively cotton clothing when there are so many other textile fibres? It's food for thought about the sustainable use of plants. 

For whom? 1st and 2nd degree SE

Make your reservation here