Every contribution helps

What you can do

A visit to the Botanic Garden is a feast for the senses. But there’s a lot more going on here than meets the eye. 

We collect and preserve plants that are endangered in the wild, a bit like a Green Ark. By studying plants, our scientists uncover unprecedented properties with applications for the world of tomorrow. Exchanging plants and seeds between botanic gardens also helps to conserve these species. Through breeding programmes, we restore vanished species to their natural habitat.  

You will also find houseplants and garden plants in our collections, as well as plants that are often no longer commercially available. They form a beautiful record of our horticultural heritage and a gene bank for the future. 

We cannot do without plants. They are so much more than a beautiful backdrop. The Botanic Garden is also committed to communicating knowledge about this fascinating world. And you can help the Botanic Garden in many ways.