Everyone's a scientist

Citizen Science

Thanks to Citizen Science, citizens of all backgrounds can participate in scientific projects. Researchers get help from the general public to perform scientific tasks, and citizens get to learn about the scientific process. Meise Botanic Garden also has some citizen science projects that might awaken the inner scientist in you too.


Through this citizen science platform we document and digitise our collections alongside you, the citizens. You can actively participate in the process and contribute to making data from historical biological collections more accessible to scientists and other citizens. We could not do this enormous work without you. 

For more information on this project go to www.doedat.be or contact us at doedat@plantentuinmeise.be.

Green Pioneers

Green Pioneers, a citizen science project sponsored by the Flemish government, wants to make people aware of the effects of invasive species on our biodiversity and society.

The three main goals of the 'Green Pioneers' project are: 

  • To create more awareness about invasive plants, how invasions can be avoided, and how negative effects can be reduced.
  • To enable two-way communication between citizens and scientists about biodiversity and invasive plants.
  • To increase the quantity and quality of data on invasive plants in Flanders. 

For more information go to the website www.groenepioniers.be or contact us at groenepioniers@plantentuinmeise.be.