Bes Vandenbroele

Research scientist: Plant ecology
Department: Research

Phone: +32 474 35 44 74

Bes Vandenbroele

Researchs activities

In Europe, numerous valuable ecosystems have been lost, along with the essential ecosystem services they provide. This loss represents one of the most significant challenges of our time. The Nature Restoration Law offers a potential solution by promoting habitat restoration. A crucial component of this is the availability and use of seeds from native plant species.

Within the INTERREG NSR EXPBIO project, we focus on the 'seed pathway': the entire process from seed collection through to the marketing of these seeds. This is a complex process that requires close collaboration among various stakeholders.


  • MsC in Environmental Science and Technology with certificate 'Milieucoördinator A' – KU Leuven (2003 - 2004)
  • MsC in Biology, Plantecology – KU Leuven (1999 - 2003)

Employment history

  • Projectcoördinator Interreg NSR EXPBIO – Plantentuin Meise (okt. 2023 - heden)
  • Celhoofd Natuurbeleving – Natuurpunt (mei 2022 - okt. 2023)
  • Planner Waterveiligheid – De Watergroep (sep. 2020 - mei 2022)
  • Wetenschappelijk schrijver – Plantyn (sep. 2019 - sep. 2020)
  • Lector Biologie – KU Leuven (sep. 2016 - sep. 2018)
  • Leraar Biologie – Heilig-Hartcollege Tervuren (sep. 2005 - sep. 2018)


Professional activities

I hold an MA in Plant Ecology and an MA in Environmental Science. Since 2023, I have been working at Meise Botanic Garden, where I apply my expertise in science communication, research, and project management.

I primarily focus on the Interreg NSR project EXPBIO, aimed at improving the availability of native seeds. My research interests include plant and seed ecology, biodiversity, and nature conservation.

I am particularly passionate about bridging the gap between research and its practical application in the field, as well as connecting scientific findings with policy and the broader public. I aim to ensure that research is not only relevant to conservation and management practices but also effectively implemented on the ground. I am also dedicated to enhancing scientific communication and project management.


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