Adopt one of our orangery plants

Plant and house in one

In summer, our impressive collection of tub plants decorates the grounds. They spend the winter in our greenhouses. All these plants require sturdy tubs and appropriate care. 

Plants grow and regularly need a larger pot. Our gardeners make all the new tubs themselves from acetylated wood, a durable and ecological material. 

Adopt an orangery plant and you will ensure it has the best care and a larger home when it needs it. You can adopt a plant and tub for €750 for a period of 3 years. Then it is time to repot it...

With your adoption comes a personal adoption certificate as proof of your contribution to maintaining the collections of the Botanic Garden in a sustainable way. We will put your name on a label with the plant  and we will also include your name in our annual report as a donor of the Botanic Garden.  

I would like to adopt a tub plant

After your payment, we will contact you soon and and choose the plant of your heart with you.